Sunday, January 31, 2010

Small Waves

Small waves

91/2" * 13

Private collection

"Waves" Lyrics by Alan Chrisman (possible music, like raindrops). Inspired by painting Small waves by Susan Shepard.
There are many waves
in this Universe
So many varieties
on this Earth

Cosmic waves bombard our sky
Sonic waves through the air fly
allowing our voices to travel around
and to turn music into sound

Ocean waves are guided by the moon
as it makes the tides swell and swoon
The sun's rays warm the land
"we're havin' a heatwave" sings the band

Yes, there are many waves
in our lives
Some come from far away
Others come from inside

We wave to say Hi!
We wave to express goodbye
A wave can be a movement or a motion
We can get caught up in waves of emotion

Quantum physics has it's wave mechanics
of tiny particles with their unusual antics
It may well be the wave of the future
And the smallest wave can cause the biggest ripple

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